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Abiding Peace Lutheran Church makes Christ known by welcoming all people to a supportive and accepting place to grow in faith and community, and to serve the Lord as people created by God, saved by Christ, and nurtured by the Holy Spirit. We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation, committed to the full inclusion and celebration of people of all sexualities, genders, and gender expressions, and to the work of racial equity.

In-person & live-streaming worship

In order to make worship as accessible as possible, worshippers are invited to join us either in-person, or via the livestream Worship link:

[Note: even if you don't have Facebook, you can still use the livestream link.

Just close the dialogue box that prompts you to log-in and the page will still load.]

Bulletin for Worship: Sunday, March 23, 2025

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Welcome to Abiding Peace

News Release: On October 30, 2022, the membership of Abiding Peace voted unanimously to become a Reconciling in Christ congregation, affirming our commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion and racial equity. For more details, read our release explaining the importance of this decision, and then experience what it means by engaging with our community. 

305 US Highway 46
Budd Lake, NJ 07828-2804

The church building is staffed on Wednesdays, Thursday mornings, and Sundays. Food pantry bags can be collected during these times. Please call first.

For quickest response, contact Pastor Serena at

Support Groups:

AA support group meets on Wednesdays at 6:30; Online support groups can be found here.

Anti-Racism Resources

As part of our ongoing congregational conversation about celebrating the diversity of God's church and working for the healing of racial injustice, please visit our google document of resources to help with learning and action.

Join Us!

Church is a Verb


At Abiding Peace, church is not a place we go, it is what we do. We Worship. We Pray. We Learn. We Grow. We Challenge. We Listen. We Love. And we welcome you to Be Church with us.  

Worship is held every Sunday,

@ 10:00 am.  

Adult forum is held most Sundays following worship @ 11:15am September - June

(email for zoom link)

Sunday School for children 

is held during the services September - June every other week.

All Are Welcome

We also gather mid-week for Bible study, fellowship, or worship often throughout the year. The weekly schedule is published in the worship bulletin each Sunday, which is posted near the top of this homepage.

Weekly Reflections

If you would like to be added to our e-mail list for weekly Friday reflections from Pastor Serena, e-mail

Join our mailing list

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Donate to Abiding Peace

To support the ministry of Abiding Peace, you can make a donation through the VENMO app or the online donation portal.

APLC_Venmo QR code_edited.jpg

Make a donation

You choose the amount of your gift and the whether or not to make it a recurring gift. All gifts to Abiding Peace are tax deductible. If you wish to donate to a designated ministry, please indicate that in the comment field below. 


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© 2016 by Abiding Peace Lutheran Church.

To request permission to use site content, please contact Abiding Peace Lutheran Church in writing at 305 US Highway 46, Budd Lake, NJ 07828 or by e-mail: 

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