When we don't know what we don't know
A sermon on Mark 8:27-38. [for an audio recording of this sermon, click here. Photo by Stefan Steinbauer on Unsplash.] I think most of...

But as for me… Lord, to whom can we go?
A sermon on John 6:56-69 and Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18. [for an audio recording of this sermon, click here. Photo by Tim Mossholder on...

The Faith of Uncertainty
A sermon on Matthew 14:22-33 (sermon audio recording available here - note, some divergence between manuscript and recording. Photo by...

A Different Kind of Certainty
A sermon on Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 and Romans 8:38-39 [for an audio recording of this sermon, click here; photo by Jon Tyson on...

Touchable Faithfulness
A Sermon on John 20:19-31 [Note - this sermon was preceded by a worship drama, performed by the youth and adults of the Abiding Peace...