Touching Our Enemy's Trigger Hand
A sermon on Luke 6:27-38 [An audio recording of this sermon is available here] “Love your enemies.” Three words that are, somehow, both...
Not Special, But Loved
[For an audio file of this sermon, click here] A sermon on Luke 4:21-30 and 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 “When I was a child, I spoke like a...
How Do We Love?
A sermon on Mark 12:28-34 This All Saints Sunday, we explored the command to Love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to...
The Question of Who (and why it matters)
A sermon on Mark 8:27-38 This week, Facebook took me to church. On Monday, after doing my initial read of today’s gospel lesson, I...
A Neighborly Gospel (or, I’d Rather Have a Neighbor Than Clean Hands)
Sermon on Mark 7: 1-15, 21-23 This past Tuesday I got the chance to spend an evening with my Mom – just the two of us – and we decided to...
On Love and Interdependence
A Sermon on John 15:9-17 and Acts 10:44-48 This coming Friday, myself and four of the wonderful members of Abiding Peace will gather with...
Love is a Circle
(A Sermon on John 13:1-17, 31b-35) I learned a song in church when I was a little girl, whose words are partially drawn from this gospel...
Why Does Church Matter?
A Sermon on Matthew 18:15-20 and Romans 13:8-14 Today, all over the country, Lutheran churches are kicking-off their program year:...
From Remembrance to Love
Maundy Thursday John 13:1-17; 31b-35-- Now before the festival of the Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this...