Responding to COVID 19
Ministry as we move past the pandemic
As people of God, gathered together into one body, our first calling is to love God and our neighbor. We express our love of God through our commitment to God’s calling and trust in God’s provision. During the height of the pandemic, we expressed our love of neighbor by erring on the side of caution in our initial shut-down and transition to online community, and through gradual and incremental return to a fuller possibility of in-person activities. Our leadership continues to exercise caution in the ways that we gather, and will continue to attend to public health concerns with the precautions we implement going forward. For the time being our precautions are as follows:
We continue to offer virtual options for most church activities, including Sunday morning worship, mid-week Children's Church, and mid-weeks Bible studies & discussions.
Requesting that all community members refrain from attending in-person activities when sick, even if that requires a last-minute scramble to cover worship leadership responsibilities.
Mask-wearing is optional at this time, but we do provide a supply of disposable masks for anyone who wishes to use one.