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Building Use Policy

The mission of this space is: Welcome. Service. Community. The facilities and property are to be used in ways that embody welcome for all people, serve local needs, and foster the growth and celebration of healthy community. 

All applicants to use the space must sign a building use agreement, and abide by the building use policies, including:

  • Avoiding any publicity or statements that are exclusionary on the basis of gender, sexuality, race, religion, or national origin.

  • Returning the space in the original condition, or payment for any damage.

  • Courtesy to any other groups using the facilities at the same time.

  • Abiding by a written child-safety policy if minors are present. 

  • No smoking or vaping in the building or within 10 yards of doors or operable windows.

  • Use of kitchen only for warming purposes, and not food preparation.

  • The person signing the building use agreement, or their written designee shall be present at all times during use. 

Easy Payment System

When you are ready to reserve your space, you may use the form below to submit initial payment. Please confirm the date, time, and space you are reserving in the comments. Reservations requested through the inquiry form are not reserved until initial payment has been received.


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Comment (optional)

© 2016 by Abiding Peace Lutheran Church.

To request permission to use site content, please contact Abiding Peace Lutheran Church in writing at 305 US Highway 46, Budd Lake, NJ 07828 or by e-mail: 

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