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Outreach at Abiding Peace

Available Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Call first to schedule.

Food Pantry


Community Meetings

AA Meetings

Wednesdays 6:30 pm

Soup Kitchen

Abiding Peace Volunteers prepare and serve a hot lunch at Faith Kitchen in Dover every 1st Tuesday of the month.

To volunteer, contact to church office.

Mt. Olive Manor

Abiding Peace was involved with the creation of Mt. Olive Senior Housing, and we enjoy many opportunities to interact with the neighbors there, including delivery of produce from our garden, an annual birthday party for residents, and monthly prayer service with communion.

Synod Initiatives

Abiding Peace partners with Synod task forces and ministries as an expression of our calling to respond to the needs of the world.

(Photo for Synod Immigration Task Force Initiative)

Partner Ministries

Abiding Peace supports the various ministries of the Lutheran church, including Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey (pictured), Lutheran Disaster Response, and Lutheran World Hunger.

Helpful Links
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Faith Kitchen, Dover


© 2016 by Abiding Peace Lutheran Church.

To request permission to use site content, please contact Abiding Peace Lutheran Church in writing at 305 US Highway 46, Budd Lake, NJ 07828 or by e-mail: 

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